• Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • +886-4-2566-3216

Display Modules

These modules display information from components other than content and user. These include weblinks, news feeds and the media manager.

The banner module is used to display the banners that are managed by the banners component in the site administrator. Help.

This module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor. Help

This module shows the Joomla! copyright information. Help

Copyright © 2024 漢益塑膠實業股份有限公司. All Rights Reserved.
Joomla! 是依照 GNU General Public License.規定發佈的自由軟體

This module allows the displaying of a syndicated feed. Help

沒有指定 RSS 新聞聯播的網址

This module displays a random image from your chosen image directory. Help

Weblinks Module


Who's Online

目前有 20 個訪客 以及 沒有會員 在線上

QR Code

QR Code